whoa!? what’s this? a blog entry? it can’t be!
i played assistant to photographer extraordinaire, maurice. he’s nikon and i’m a canon, so it took a while for me to familiarize myself with everything nikon. but in the end, i was a happy nikanonian. thank you sir!
the wedding was pretty close to home at clos la chance. 😆 hang in there peeps, there’s about 30+ pictures trying to load.
getting ready shots (bride & bridesmaids)
getting ready (groom & groomsmen)
10 secs before she sees the man of her life for the first time that day
first time they saw each other that day, i like the look in his eyes. v. sincere
thank you uncle bobsy for being in the pic, oh well…i’ll clone him out, if i have time, or not.